
Education,development, infrastructure- My views

Education and career plans:

I was told by my Mom who is a senior teacher in the primary school that,in the present education systems in Karnataka, the teachers are not supposed to make the students sit in the same class (In other words failing to proceed to the subsequent class).The questions is being raised about the teaching capabilities by the respective authorities. Hence teachers are unwillingly allowing the students to move to the upper classes even they are not deserved.

If this is the present situation of primary schools ,it is not so different when you move to higher grades of educations like engineering, medical. In south of India mainly in Tamilnadu and Karnataka, there are more than one hundredengineering colleges thus thousands of engineers come out of the colleges every year. Where they head their future? Are they entering into their core field or atleast in their relative field? I was talking to one of my professors of my college couple of years ago and he was upset about the present mentality of the students. I also understood that the college has stopped adding new machines in the mechanical departments which was getting done tointroduce them the latest technologies in the vast field of mechanical.He saysthe students have already made a thought about joining some of the IT companies in Bangalore. He questions me ‘ why the students have to study mechanical or industrial engineering if they have the plan to join the software companies.

It is not that the students start learning engineering and planning software companies in mind. Students may enter as a result of parents compulsion, orbecause of the present trend where engineering has become a fancy degree or there will be people who got the aspiration to become engineer.I would say that the percentage of students going for engineering based on their passion is less than 50%. In this context, we cannot expect the students to be real engineers upon completion of their respective degrees. Further more,students get distracted as they gather information from the old students and knowing their interesting packages in software companies. Engineering will become a just certificate.

Today, even after the high young population , India is starving for the good capable engineers in manufacturing field. I have seen many of my colleagues have shifted their careers in software, IT and BPO sectors after completion of one year of their work at the manufacturing sector.

This clearly indicates that the present young generation needs easy money. The young generations follow short cuts.No one wants to work in dirty and noisy work place.This needs to change.Today, the large youth of india has to understand that the economy will strengthen based on the manufacturing capability and not because of any of the service activities doing to countries like amercia. We are allowing the young generation to be at risk if the large pool works of BPO and software companies.

The youth have to divert more toward many of the engineering industries which india need presently. The youth also have to come forward and courageously take enterprnership.This makes people to take risk and which also contributes towards our economy.

Infrastructure Development: Creating an infrastructure for all the business needs and comfort of humal life meeting international standard was the agenda of Indian government for decades, but still we are not at par with China with respect to infrastructure development. I am comparing with China because we both are in similar race of becoming worlds strongest economy.In 1999,then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee took a bold step of making golden quaterlatal connecting four metrolpolitican cities of the country Delhi,Kolkatta,Mumbai and Chennai.This road of length 18000km is completed by now and has created a great bridge for transportation between the cities. But similar efforts are not taking place at the state levels improving state highways.

In order to reduce the traffic within the city and making the travel within the city at comfort levels, metros are under construction in Bangalore and Chennai while Delhi has got the same already and is operational.I have seen work is under progress in Tamilnadu to widen many highways and in Karnatkak too the similar projects are underway.

But as the population increases,what is the solution for making the transportation convenient to the human being. The government need to stress for public transportation and urge the public to use the same. With economy going stronger and with an improved middle class families,now cars in every house has become an necessity or fashion.If Nano production reaches its maximum,where all these cars are going to come and end up? Is on the same roads!. And whatever widening made will not be sufficient We might need parking buildings at every 1 km of the city..Secondly, the vehicles of 5-10 years create pollution in the city and making the life of human beings miserable with respect to their health. Like in European countries, there should be restriction to enter the vehicles to the city based on the emission levels. Offcourse, to make all these happen, we need to have a stronger government to control the mechanism and make these rules foolproof.

Corruption: I am no going to write in details about the corruptions and scams which is creating huge amount of blackmoney in India.We also know thatthere is huge amount of Indian black money in Swiss bank.Further more,the large amount of assets in Sathya sai baba trust and in Anantha Padmnabha temble in Tiruvananthapram has shocked us.Off course, the golds and silver found in variour secret rooms in the Anantha Padbanabha temple was the ancient money preserved by the kings.

This indctates to me one thing. India would have been the richest country in the world cenruies ago.We have been looted by the moghals and later by the Potugese, Ducth, Freches and by British.

This money need to go back to RBI and India need to use this money at a point where it becomes absolue necessary to use such money. The government to should make the plans for the same.

City centric Approach: The majority of the trading and businesses are concentrated in the cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennia, Bangalore and Kolkatta.This is creating significant difference in living expenses between smaller towns to these cities. These cities are now under going various expansion plans to control traffic jams. Metros are under implementation in most of these cities.

Many of the companies have taken wise decision to migrate to second tier cities like Pune, Coimbatore, Cocin, Calicut, Nagpur, Mangalore.

Balance of work force and technology: There are two reasons why the balance in work force necessary for the sustained growth. Specially in the south of india, the awareness for education has increased to a large extend plus the various scholarships and educational loan facilities, the poor parents are taking steps to educate children to higher levels. In the past, there have been traditional businesses each caste family. For examples, the bhandaris in DK generally used to have hair cutting saloons. The sons of the families used to continue the tradition. But now, it is not so. I have seen number of saloons in Mangalore run by the people from north like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and from shimoga.

We also can now see a large number of people came from north India for various of our hand works like erection of ONGC phase 2, tiles and granite fittings for aprartments and houses, road constructions and repair work and so on.There are very few local people involved in such works at the moment. Furthermore, the work force of northen part of india are less expensive when compared to local labour.

The education awareness among the lower middle class and the lower class people is less in the north india when compared to south. Indian government is taking various steps towards the eduction all over india and this will surely increase the education level in north india. Going foward to twenty-thity years, we will find a huge difficulty in the labour as no body wanted to become a worker. This will also impact the manufacturing industries where you need a large base of workers and operator level workforce. With the present trend, there is going to be imbalance.

Technology is moving at rocket speed. Every year there is new technology entering into the market.Every new technology is making the human efforts lesser and lesser. With this trend, we can also foresee the significant change in technology in the various areas like road construction, building constructions and others. This will reducethe dependability on the work force. If i say, technology will take care about easing the work in various field and thus creating balance, thenhow india can manage the unemployment that can happen with the present rate of population. We will have a educated workforce who always aspire to have white jobs. India need to find out the ways to handle these situations.

My point of view is that India should not aspire to become developed country. The moment the economy figures reaches above a threshold level we declare ourselves as developed. Once we this state, the growth become narrow and we end up facing unemployment problems like UK and USA. The problems will be more in India due to the large population.

was talking to an Italian client who tells me that the growth in Italy is very less. The pure Italian I population is depleting.The shops and hotels in many parts of Italy are run by Africans who have migrated to this land. As far as the market is concerned, one need to be competitive and hence for raw materials these counties depend on growing countries like India and China where the prices are less by 30-40% due to large amount of cheap work force available. There are no huge opportunities like in India and China and hence you will find a person working for 25-30 years average in the same company. No jumps like our engineers do because there are no job opportunities.

When these are going to last. We are already expensive than China in the global market for many of the manufacturing products. Considering all the stated reasons above, India cannot be considered to be low cost country for sourcing on a longer term..

India need to find ways for opportunities to sustain and should increase its exports year by year.This will only happen if we become competitive. Indian government should not emphasise on controlling the population. In the last one decade, availability of large young population has become our strength and thus inviting for job opportunities..Also there is significant percentage of Indian population is out of the country working in various areas starting from lower level to running businesses. The work force who in India had a mediocre education are trying for the jobs in other countries where the monthly income is at least 40% high.This is one way of creating balance as the majority of this money will come back to India for various investments

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