

Mangalore.. It is my city.... it is our city.  It is the city of Angels, as someone rightly said. It is one of the most beautiful cities in India.  It is filled with people of tremendous talents. We are born here.  We love it and we want our Mangalore to be one of the best cities in India and later in the world too.
But the dream will not  become realistic just like that without any efforts and strong vision to work towards acheiving it.  If we look  at the present economic strength of Mangalore, we will be surely able to realise  and understand whether  Mangalore can be  one of the best places in India to live or not.
It is important for all of our NRI readers to know  and understand where Mangalore is leading and what we have to do to have a bright future for ourself.  This is important because many of us have invested our hard earned money in this city as businessmen and / or decided to live here after a period of time.
The capability of Managlore in the service industry, real estate,  properties, education, manufacturing, Information Technology, BPO  should be forecasted. If there is no growth, no demand, it will never be a good idea to invest  in the city.
As is where is condition:
 Below are the few points about present aspects of Mangalore.
1. Infrasturcure: In the last 10 years, there have been various efforts to upgrade the infrasturre of  city, but comparing to other  cities like Delhi and Chandigarh, we have a lot to do and work on.

So, Infrasturcture development is a core area needs to be addresed and actions to be implemented.
It is not that we do not have any facilities. The new Mangalore port is one of the major export ports in India at the moment.  The growth of the new Mangalore port has been excellent in the recent years and has created good amount of surplus.
Even though  we have Aerodrome from 1956, till now we have not been able to classify as a full-fledged International airport . We need to have cargo facility as soon as possible  for faster and reliable services of goods to and from Mangalore. Efforts  should be made to   connect to the major part of the city and the world.
Education:  As we all know, Mangalore and Dakshina Kannada Districts are the educational hub in India.  Students not only from All over the Country and also from the world over come here and build their future. We have to keep this credit and upgrade the education system every year to keep the status. Unitversities like Manipal, Nitte have really become famous for their quality education in terms of Medical and Engineering.
Banking : Mangalore is popular for the Banking sector.  Mangalore is having a strong presence in terms of Banking. The nationalsied Banks like Canara and Vijaya banks , Karanataka Bank, Sydicate Banks 
were established in  the region.
Information Technology: IT has not been that effective so far in the city, but after Bangalore, the companies are eyeing to set their operations in Mangalore.

 The information Technology has slowly getting diverted to Mangalore  may be due the fact of our strong base in  educational facilities. This is a good sign. Infosys is the first company who made its presence in the city. WIPRO also plans to set up its operations in Mangalore. Two IT parks are already  under construction - One near Ganjimatt and other one near Mangalore University.  Third one is under  construction at Thumbay by BA group.

Considering   this, Mangalore will be looking forward to become a serious alternative to Bangalore in the future for IT solutions. .
Manufacturing :  Any country to be developed or potential for the development can be estimated by understanding its manufacturing capability.  On the other hand, when we apply  this to the city or the district, our Canara district should be able to produce and create  income and the employment.

Just compare to the city Coimbatore which is now has  become Industrial Hub in south India.
International Market leaders in Valves, pumps sector are setting up the offices as well as the operational plant to cater the  fast growing Indian Market. The TN  government is supporting industrialization in the state which  has made them attractive for FDI.

Similarly,  the entrepreneurs and businessmen should come forward  in investing money in our city and make our city too  be competitive.
At the moment, our dear city is not producing so much. The industries are not  more and hence   not creating income and the employment.The MRPL and MCF are the major industries at the moment available at the large scale level.  It is good news that ONGC is planning to invest 35000 Crores in newly forming MSEZ.

 Mangalorean firms have been famous  for Beedi, Coffee, Tiles  and Cashewnut Industry.  However, the tile industry is in decline due to the popularity of concrete base buildings.

Mangalore is also famous for the production of Leaf springs for automobile sectors which are used as shock absorbers. There are currently 6 units in Baikampady industrial area  catering to replacement market of South India.
The latest development in the Mangalore special economic zone has created a new potential future in Mangalore. The SEZ was announced in the year 2005 and  since these five years  the commencement of this zone has happened in slow pace. There may be people who need to evacuated, but need to be done for the benefit of our country and our region. Otherwise, where is the growth, and again,we will end up in remaining as second tier city for long time.
Now, MSEZ officials have announced that  this year the zone will become operational. If this becomes true without any further  delay, we can strongly say there are lot of opportunities in terms if business and employment in Mangalore.
Students after education need  not travel to Gulf countries, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad or Bangalore in search of  jobs.  Instead they can work in their own city and enjoy the benefits of being in Mangalore  with the comparable salaries. Over a period of time, people from other parts of India should also think to come down to Mangalore for the job opportunities.
Real Estate:
Once we  become competent in Education ( we are already), engineering, service, manufacturing and other sectors there is no  doubt that Mangalore will be the next city to eye on. With living cost 20-30% less than that of Bangalore and other Major cities, Mangalore is the ideal place for the investment.
The real estate price will go high relatively and foreseeing this, it will be good idea if  you are planning to invest in Mangalore

Tourism, Hotel Industry:
When  your city do not create business,  the tourism, hotels, travel  also will not forsee the expotential growth as movment of businessmen and related officials will be less to the city. The   heavy mansoon from June to September
Anyway tourist places in Mangalore and in the district are quite good and this is keeping  the industry in good go.But we have to work towards making the available places for attractiing the tourist. The beaches have to be made clean and with more facilties attracting the tourism.
Before to  conclude:
We  should aim and work for more  FDI (Foreign Firect Investment) to happen in Mangalore to know the city potential to the world. Once more and more  companies and businessmen know about the city growth, more the FDI it can attract.
The government of Karnataka also should work  towards as this is  the only Major city in Karnataka  having good Air, Rail and Port sea connections.More the export, better is the  revenu .

Considering that present facts we have a strong opportunity which we should make use of without succumbing to the politics.

For a better Mangalore, we need to have  the following
Roads to suit the business requirement of future. The flyover plans to be speeden up and new ones to be constructed wherever necessary.In the last 6 months, there has been significant improvement in  upgrading the roads within the city. The authorities shoud now check the present status of roads in the outskirts of Mangalore and make plans to connect to the city with minimum  traffic.
Cargo  facility in Mangalore Airport to be established.  Airport connecting to Major part of India, middle east. As the business goes up and up,  the airport should invite the private airlines like Emirates,Qatar airways  for the air travel from Mangalore.
The railway stations both Kankanady and Mangalore central should be upgraded.
MSEZ and IT Partks: As mentioned before in this artcile, all the efforts should be made make these project to become realistic.

Conclusion: We can forsee at the moment a bright future for Mangalore.Various projects development plans (Mainly MSEZ) have been made and upon implementation, we can see a Mangalore which  will be shining in Karnataka and India.So it is now the  job of varous authorities of the region to ensure the implementation of the projects at the right time facilitating the business.

And one request to a common man: PLEASE keep the city clean and help Mangalore to
becme a model for other cities.


Working with different kind people- 1

A human being is the most important asset of an organisation. It is the human being who run the machines, equipements, systems, plans, strategies, building relationships, targets and motivate each other for the common goal of the organisation.
It was rather easier when i was working as fresher/apprentice in the initial tenure of my career. But as my experience increased, my responsibility increased and that made me manager. This enabled me to interact with different departments, people in the cross function al team for getting my work done and achieving the target set by the organisation. I realised the need of handling different kind of people in different way for getting results out of them.
Scratching: This is my terminogy. I used to do this for making my paperwork done on time. There were paperwork/documentation that needed to be reviewed by various cross functional heads before arriving at the decision within a stipulated time. There were functional heads missing to review and clear the documents from their side. It was needed repeated follow ups. I used to deliberately ask to them many times if the papers are not signed within the time frame provided. This was making them angry, but they had no other way to clear  and given back to me.
Creating a noise:  If the scratching does not work, it is necessary to create a noise so that  you get the right importance for the job. This is not exactly escalating the matter.  What i used to do is,  talk the same the issue with may heads  and CFT. This was automatically signalling the non co operation to the concerned people and thereby creates awareness and seriousness. I was a key account manager in a manufacturing industry for a customer. If the customers  orders is not deliverying on time and more importantnly the production and operation is not giving you any importance, this is  the technique will yield results. The product that is off important is to be communicated to every body not forgetting to mention why it is not going on time. This will create a lot of seriousness. I also used to send the emails to production team with bold letters and taking the prints of these emails and distributing to concerned heads of CFT.
Communication: I am not going to write about the communication that is explained in the management books here. What i emphasize here is the way of communication to individuals. This is very important for transferring the content with the necessary seriousness.
The head of the despatch section was 50 years old and i was25 just half of his age.  I was not knowing his local langaugae and was not able to understand his methodology in the despatch sections. There were so many products for the customers lying and he was not making the proper arrangements for packing and shipments. I used to give the list of to him customer wise, but that did not work.  I wanted to understand from him  the real reason behind it.  I understood from him that his understanding of job responsibility is different from what i was expecting. He was keeping on packing the products which are lying  the despatch area without making a plan for consolidating the shipment for one particular customer.He was not able to understand my excel sheets. Further more,he was getting confused what to pack if there are products coming to his area are more than 3 or 4. Now i had to change my methodology.  I started giving the list of one customer and informing him the importance  and told him to focus only on the list of one customers product. If there are some products not received, then he has to ask the production department about it so that he can consolidate. And it worked. A change in level of communication  got the results. Had there been a incharge aged 25-30 years, an excess sheet probably would have been enough for him to understand and work.
So at the end, a proper communication that makes clear both the sender and receiver will yield the results.
Temper: Some time  it is necessary to show the angry face  to CFT that you are angry in case the things are not working good and  you are getting non co operation. You are Okay inside. But  show a unhappy face and call a meeting and inform  where the lacunas are there.Talk to point blank and then see the results.
I have more to write  under this title and will write at later.


Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage

Some time back, when i was chatting with my friends, i was asked a question  whether  you  prefer arranged marriage or love marriage. There were about  ten of us discussing this topic and many had the opinion  that the love marriage is better as you get to know  each other better. I was the last one to put my opinion  and i  started  expressing my perspective.
First of all every selection or decision has got an advantage and disadvantage and it depends on the individuals perspective. My friends interrupted me and informed not to be philosophical and not to putforth general view and   asked me to choose one out of two choices. I chose  Arranged Marriage.
I continued. I am opting arranged marriage for the following reasons
Ø  Just because you are in love, you can get to know each other, understand the feelings, but one can never declare that you have understood your partner in full. The real test of character comes when you start to live. The compromise and understanding at the time of love making need not/is not be of the original character of the person because of overcautionness.
Ø  Even arranged marriage will allow you to get to know the person. Once you or your parents select few months before the marriage, there is every option of meeting each other and understands the mind,goal and future plannings. I would say,here,one will not show his/her impression management skills  but to explain the real thoughts. So  one can make feel whether the partner suits his mind, aspirations and character. The decision can be more accurate if the couple decides to proceed further or depart at this stage.
On the contrary, love happens because of the young blood and attractiveness to each other. The initial period will always be impression management. Once there is   enough acquantaincy and bonding, then will be the question of  marriage or future planning. At this stage, there could be discrepancy which  may lead to breaking of relationship
Ø  You may ruin your career plans, educations and enjoyment of your life if you are in love. Many feel difficult to come out  if there is a departure. The lovers will be in their own world and spending too much time over phone and dating may disturb/affect the need of their attention in real life. So better enjoy your  bachelor life in full before entering into wedlock right?

Presentations and influencing people

I think the present world is dependent lot on presentations and not on actual execution/implementation/evaluation or whatever we can  call.
Budget presentations: The ministers worry about the how nicely with the available numbers he can present the budget in order to get the credit from economist, media and lastly the common man. Everybody will be satisfied/dissatisfied, once the presentation is over. The minsters goal is to impress and increase his popularity.How informative it would have been to understand each   to see the real progress/implementation of the projects done.
 Speakers at seminars/conferences specially preachers: Every spokes persons worries more about the presentation  method so that  he can convince,influence,delight audience. He will forget the fact that most of the values he put forth are not even followed by him..
Singers/Choir groups at churches: The singers are worried about their performance infront of the parishioners more than the meaning of the hymn. Same cases with the readers who reads the bible  during the mass  will focus of not having mistake while reading instead of content.
Camaigning : i do not need to explain how  the politician use their presentation skills with the information available to influence people for the votes.
I  was influenced by one word which  my Ex MD  told me at my work place and i value that quote a lot
It is easy to tell a fact, but hard to practice it


Education,development, infrastructure- My views

Education and career plans:

I was told by my Mom who is a senior teacher in the primary school that,in the present education systems in Karnataka, the teachers are not supposed to make the students sit in the same class (In other words failing to proceed to the subsequent class).The questions is being raised about the teaching capabilities by the respective authorities. Hence teachers are unwillingly allowing the students to move to the upper classes even they are not deserved.

If this is the present situation of primary schools ,it is not so different when you move to higher grades of educations like engineering, medical. In south of India mainly in Tamilnadu and Karnataka, there are more than one hundredengineering colleges thus thousands of engineers come out of the colleges every year. Where they head their future? Are they entering into their core field or atleast in their relative field? I was talking to one of my professors of my college couple of years ago and he was upset about the present mentality of the students. I also understood that the college has stopped adding new machines in the mechanical departments which was getting done tointroduce them the latest technologies in the vast field of mechanical.He saysthe students have already made a thought about joining some of the IT companies in Bangalore. He questions me ‘ why the students have to study mechanical or industrial engineering if they have the plan to join the software companies.

It is not that the students start learning engineering and planning software companies in mind. Students may enter as a result of parents compulsion, orbecause of the present trend where engineering has become a fancy degree or there will be people who got the aspiration to become engineer.I would say that the percentage of students going for engineering based on their passion is less than 50%. In this context, we cannot expect the students to be real engineers upon completion of their respective degrees. Further more,students get distracted as they gather information from the old students and knowing their interesting packages in software companies. Engineering will become a just certificate.

Today, even after the high young population , India is starving for the good capable engineers in manufacturing field. I have seen many of my colleagues have shifted their careers in software, IT and BPO sectors after completion of one year of their work at the manufacturing sector.

This clearly indicates that the present young generation needs easy money. The young generations follow short cuts.No one wants to work in dirty and noisy work place.This needs to change.Today, the large youth of india has to understand that the economy will strengthen based on the manufacturing capability and not because of any of the service activities doing to countries like amercia. We are allowing the young generation to be at risk if the large pool works of BPO and software companies.

The youth have to divert more toward many of the engineering industries which india need presently. The youth also have to come forward and courageously take enterprnership.This makes people to take risk and which also contributes towards our economy.

Infrastructure Development: Creating an infrastructure for all the business needs and comfort of humal life meeting international standard was the agenda of Indian government for decades, but still we are not at par with China with respect to infrastructure development. I am comparing with China because we both are in similar race of becoming worlds strongest economy.In 1999,then prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee took a bold step of making golden quaterlatal connecting four metrolpolitican cities of the country Delhi,Kolkatta,Mumbai and Chennai.This road of length 18000km is completed by now and has created a great bridge for transportation between the cities. But similar efforts are not taking place at the state levels improving state highways.

In order to reduce the traffic within the city and making the travel within the city at comfort levels, metros are under construction in Bangalore and Chennai while Delhi has got the same already and is operational.I have seen work is under progress in Tamilnadu to widen many highways and in Karnatkak too the similar projects are underway.

But as the population increases,what is the solution for making the transportation convenient to the human being. The government need to stress for public transportation and urge the public to use the same. With economy going stronger and with an improved middle class families,now cars in every house has become an necessity or fashion.If Nano production reaches its maximum,where all these cars are going to come and end up? Is on the same roads!. And whatever widening made will not be sufficient We might need parking buildings at every 1 km of the city..Secondly, the vehicles of 5-10 years create pollution in the city and making the life of human beings miserable with respect to their health. Like in European countries, there should be restriction to enter the vehicles to the city based on the emission levels. Offcourse, to make all these happen, we need to have a stronger government to control the mechanism and make these rules foolproof.

Corruption: I am no going to write in details about the corruptions and scams which is creating huge amount of blackmoney in India.We also know thatthere is huge amount of Indian black money in Swiss bank.Further more,the large amount of assets in Sathya sai baba trust and in Anantha Padmnabha temble in Tiruvananthapram has shocked us.Off course, the golds and silver found in variour secret rooms in the Anantha Padbanabha temple was the ancient money preserved by the kings.

This indctates to me one thing. India would have been the richest country in the world cenruies ago.We have been looted by the moghals and later by the Potugese, Ducth, Freches and by British.

This money need to go back to RBI and India need to use this money at a point where it becomes absolue necessary to use such money. The government to should make the plans for the same.

City centric Approach: The majority of the trading and businesses are concentrated in the cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennia, Bangalore and Kolkatta.This is creating significant difference in living expenses between smaller towns to these cities. These cities are now under going various expansion plans to control traffic jams. Metros are under implementation in most of these cities.

Many of the companies have taken wise decision to migrate to second tier cities like Pune, Coimbatore, Cocin, Calicut, Nagpur, Mangalore.

Balance of work force and technology: There are two reasons why the balance in work force necessary for the sustained growth. Specially in the south of india, the awareness for education has increased to a large extend plus the various scholarships and educational loan facilities, the poor parents are taking steps to educate children to higher levels. In the past, there have been traditional businesses each caste family. For examples, the bhandaris in DK generally used to have hair cutting saloons. The sons of the families used to continue the tradition. But now, it is not so. I have seen number of saloons in Mangalore run by the people from north like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and from shimoga.

We also can now see a large number of people came from north India for various of our hand works like erection of ONGC phase 2, tiles and granite fittings for aprartments and houses, road constructions and repair work and so on.There are very few local people involved in such works at the moment. Furthermore, the work force of northen part of india are less expensive when compared to local labour.

The education awareness among the lower middle class and the lower class people is less in the north india when compared to south. Indian government is taking various steps towards the eduction all over india and this will surely increase the education level in north india. Going foward to twenty-thity years, we will find a huge difficulty in the labour as no body wanted to become a worker. This will also impact the manufacturing industries where you need a large base of workers and operator level workforce. With the present trend, there is going to be imbalance.

Technology is moving at rocket speed. Every year there is new technology entering into the market.Every new technology is making the human efforts lesser and lesser. With this trend, we can also foresee the significant change in technology in the various areas like road construction, building constructions and others. This will reducethe dependability on the work force. If i say, technology will take care about easing the work in various field and thus creating balance, thenhow india can manage the unemployment that can happen with the present rate of population. We will have a educated workforce who always aspire to have white jobs. India need to find out the ways to handle these situations.

My point of view is that India should not aspire to become developed country. The moment the economy figures reaches above a threshold level we declare ourselves as developed. Once we this state, the growth become narrow and we end up facing unemployment problems like UK and USA. The problems will be more in India due to the large population.

was talking to an Italian client who tells me that the growth in Italy is very less. The pure Italian I population is depleting.The shops and hotels in many parts of Italy are run by Africans who have migrated to this land. As far as the market is concerned, one need to be competitive and hence for raw materials these counties depend on growing countries like India and China where the prices are less by 30-40% due to large amount of cheap work force available. There are no huge opportunities like in India and China and hence you will find a person working for 25-30 years average in the same company. No jumps like our engineers do because there are no job opportunities.

When these are going to last. We are already expensive than China in the global market for many of the manufacturing products. Considering all the stated reasons above, India cannot be considered to be low cost country for sourcing on a longer term..

India need to find ways for opportunities to sustain and should increase its exports year by year.This will only happen if we become competitive. Indian government should not emphasise on controlling the population. In the last one decade, availability of large young population has become our strength and thus inviting for job opportunities..Also there is significant percentage of Indian population is out of the country working in various areas starting from lower level to running businesses. The work force who in India had a mediocre education are trying for the jobs in other countries where the monthly income is at least 40% high.This is one way of creating balance as the majority of this money will come back to India for various investments

Dr.A P J Abdul Kalam

One of the greatest Scientist of India as ever produced.

At the end, whatever you dream, if you don’t have the great will power and determination to work for the dream , hardly anyone can achieve the goal of their life. Accomplishment of goal requires great and carefull planning and executing the same in a systematic way towards the fulfilment of the objective. Whatever family you may come, whatever religion you belong too, the true passion towards to contribute for the country India made this man to grow from Rameshwaram to the President of India and making all of us Indians proud of this man. Yes.. I am talking about the one of best personalities of India Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Borned in Ramesharam, the lsland town, Kalam had a great desire to grow big right from his childhood.His father Jainulabdeen had neither had much formal education nor much wealth. Despite these disadvantages, he possessed a great innate wisdom and generosity spirit.As we all know, the parent is the first teacher and that is why Kalam has got great fundamental insight of human life in his childhood from his father.His mother Ashiamma, was a real support to his father. Kalam observed his father life and his determination.His will power and generosity was a great inspiration to Kalam.

Jalaludin,the relative of Kalam family was coming to support the wooden sailboat to take pilgrims from Rameshwaram to Dhanuskodi.During this time,boy Kalam used to spend his time with Jalaludin talking about the spiritual matters and the current events.He got influenced about scientific discoveries, eductation,medical science.

The second person who had a great influence on Kalam childhood was Samsuddin.He was the onlyone newspaper distributor in Rameshwaram.He helped him to earn his own money in newspaper distribution when there was sudden increase of demand during second world war 1939.

Another important factor which influenced boy Kalam in his childhood is on segregation of religious groups. Rameshwaram was very rigid in making religious segregation and this impacted Kalam and inspired him too.His grand mother and mother used tell stories of Ramayana as bed times stories.

With a primary education completed in Rameshwaram, Kalam requested his father for further studies in town Ramanathepuram.He got enrolled in Schwartz High school, Ramanathapuram.

And again, he was having a inspirational teacher here called Iyadurai Solomon and his thoughts had a enormous influence in Kalam’s life. Solomon used to tell Kalam “ To succeed in life and achieve results you must understand and mater three might forces –Desire,belief and expectation” .His statement was “ with faith , you can change your destiny”.

One day, his maths teacher caught Kalam by Neck and caned in front of the whole class.That was really embarrassing for Kalam , the way he got the punishment in front of all students.But he took this punishment in a positive spirit and took full marks in Maths after some months.Next morning at the school assembly the maths teacher said “Whomsover i cane becomes a great Man.Take my word! This boy is going to bring glory to our school and to his teachers” and rest all is now history.

He moved to St Joseph’s College, Tirchi for his intermediate education. At the end of his college time in St Josephs , Kalam acquired great interest in PHYSICS which became the platform for all his achievements.

Soon after the completion of Bsc, Kalam joined MIT, Madras Institue of Technology and did his Aeronautical Engineering. The goal was very clear in his mind. Flying the aircraft of his own.Soon after the completion ofhis engineering course, Kalam joined Hindustan Aernautic Lts (HAL), Bangalore as a trainee.In HAL, Kalam learned and got complete practical experience of Aircraft engines.He came out of HAL as a graduate Aeronautic engineer.

Kalam Joined DTP&P (Air) as senior scientific assistant. His job here was not to fly the aircraft, but to help them to make airworthy. He became the leader to make wingless, light weight ,swift machine project.Kalam and his team put all their engineering skill and made the machineto fly within a span of one year.

Kalam did not stop here.In inbuilt urge to grow in Space industry made him to join INCOSPAR-Indian committe for space research. Immediately he went to America for six months for a training programme to learn rocket launching techniques.

His role models Jalaludin and and Samsuddin came to the Mumbai airport to see off. This was a big moment in Kalam and their family. Jalaludin said “ We loved you, we believed in you and we will always be proud of you” Thier belief in his capabilities madeKalam much determined reach high.

After getting thorough knowledge the rocket launching techniques, Kalam was the project leader in launching SLV-3 ( satellite launching vehicle).Leading SLV-3 was not a “ Prithvi” (surface to surface launching vehicle) . His long dream launch of “ Agni” was a great success as well.

Today, if we have advanced in the technology in science and defence, the contribution of Dr. Kalam has played a vital role in this achievements.

Even after the great success Kalam recalls the school poem always for refreshing him and re energising him to move forward. It was

Don’t worry and fret, fainthearted

The chances have just begun

For the best jobs haven’t started

The best work has not been done

What techniques did Kalam used for his success? Kalam says

“First- Build your own education and skills.Knowledge is solid asset, quite often is a most usefull and important tool inyour work.The more upto date knowledge you possesse, the more freer you are.

Second- Develop a passion for personal responsibility. Be active! Take on responsibility. Work on things you believe it”

He elected the president of India in the year 2002. He is dreaming the India 2020 as developed country in the world.He strongly believes in strength of youth and invites all the youth of India to focus on the education .He advises youth of India to think Big and innovative to succeed in life.

Let us all be proud of the great Dr.APJ Kalam and as he said let us take the responsibility of contributing to our nation India. We all have to work to make his dream true to have a developed India.

Responsibility lies on all of us youth to carry forward the technological achievements done by the great Dr.APJ Kalam.

Posted by Jesu, Kaikamba