
Opposition Party Voices over last 4 years

It is fact that Modi and his  team is governing  much better than  UPA 1 and 2. Opposition does not seem to be  getting concrete issue to target the GOI. Criticism is the basic in  democracy, however it needs to be constructive. I have not found one from the opposition with good substance till now.

In fact, I felt plans like Smart cities are going slower than expected. However, opposition does not take the data and question the government with facts.

The last 4 years, the entire criticism was surrounded by few words which are more manufactured by foreign funded media houses than reality.

Some of the words were “Intolerance, 15 Lakh,Dramabas, Jumla,communal (this is age old perception ),56 inch, Chowkidar, Bakth, Fake nationalism, Divisive, Anti Dalit etc…

With election approaching in the year to come, these media houses will invent many more.

Though BJP is in Power, it still needs to tackle high influence 10 Jan path,Delhi Lutyens Circuit and  Foreign funded NGO’s .